Posts Tagged ‘Primary Treasure’

1852, A Paper For Children

April 25, 2009

Review and Herald, July 8, 1852, page 5


WE design publishing a small monthly paper, containing matter for the benefit of the youth. And we are satisfied that our brethren and sisters will agree with us, that something of the kind is very much needed. The children should have a paper of their own, one that will interest and instruct them.

God is at work among the children who have believing parents, or guardians, and many of them are being converted, and they need to be instructed in the present truth. And there are a portion of the children who have believing parents, or guardians, who are neglected, and do not have right instruction, consequently, they do not manifest much interest for their own salvation. We trust that such a paper as we design publishing would interest such children, and also be the means of waking up their parents, or guardians to a sense of their important duty. On them rests the awful responsibility of training souls for the kingdorn of God. But it is a lamentable fact that many of their children are left without suitable instruction. We feel more on this subject than we can express. May God wake up his people to a sense of their duty to those young minds, intrusted to their care, to guide in the channel of virtue and holiness.

We intend to give four or five lessons, in the form of questions and answers, in each number, one for each week for Sabbath-School lessons. These Schools can be held where there are but two or three children as well as where there are more.

We invite our brethren and sisters, also our young friends, to furnish matter, original or selected, for the little paper. Let all be free to write. Communicate your thoughts with simplicity and clearness, with a heart that feels the condition of the tender, yet neglected youth, that must soon witness the day of the Lord. We hope that matter for the first number will be sent in immediately, as we wish to prepare it before we leave for our Eastern tour.

We publish this paper on our own responsibility, and think it duty to set the price at twenty five cents for a volume of twelve numbers, to be paid in advance, or within three months from the date of the first number.

Will some brother in each place, obtain all the names of the children that desire the paper, collect the means to pay for it, and forward it to us.

The paper will cost, including postage, only about three cents a month. Many little boys and girls spend enongh for candies and toys, that are of no real value, to pay for five or six such papers. We mean that all the children that cannot pay for it, who wish to read it, shall have it free, and we have no doubt but many of the children will deny themselves of toys, so as to be able to pay for their own, and some poor little boys’ or girls’ paper. We hope our young friends will do what they can, and we will try to give them an interesting and instructive little sheet. 5