1897, Lulu Wightman, Gas Spring

New York Indicator, October 6, 1897


THE first session of the thirty-sixth annual session of the New York Conference of Seventh- day Adventists held at Syracuse, N. Y., was called to order Sept. 5, 1897, at 5 P. M. President A. E. Place occupied the chair. After the roll call, to which twenty-four churches responded by their delegates, prayer was offered by Elder F. Wheeler. On motion of Brother C. Gilbert the reading of the minutes was waived till the next meeting. A call was then made by the President for new churches, and in response there were five presented as follows :—

… Fifth, The church at Gas Springs was presented by Elder Place, and a brief review of its rise and progress given to the assembly. This company was raised up largely through the efforts of Sister Lulu Wightman and her husband, and is a strong body. The church was organized by Elder Raymond. Brother Gilbert made a motion that we receive this company into the fold of the Conference, and the motion was supported by the action of the Conference.

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