Knowlton Sanitarium, Quebec, 1903-1908

Canadian Union Messenger, April 6, 1905


Dr. White, Medical Superintendent of the Knowlton Sanitarium, recently visited Ottawa, and while here stayed with the writer. He manifested a deep interest in the medical work which was begun here in 1899, and upon his departure complimented me on my office and treatment room equipment, and invited me to make him a call at the Sanitarium.

Elder Rickard, while here, as well as Elder Thurston, urged me to visit the Sanitarium; this, with the vital interest I always feel in medical work, and a certain amount of natural curiosity, finally decided me to make the visit.

On a recent date, accompanying Mr. and Mrs. P— of this city, to whom I had recommended the Knowlton Sanitarium as the proper place to receive treatment, or such beneficial aid as they desired, we left for Knowlton, via Montreal, and reached our destination at 8 P. M. ‘ We were met at the depot by Dr. White, who conducted us to the institution which is only about two minutes walk distant. There some refreshments were awaiting us, and soon caused us to forget the fatigues of the journey. Shortly after 9 p. m. we retired, and almost perfect stillness reigned during the night.

Early the next morning the busy Sanitarium life began to make itself manifest. The nurses were busy setting things in order; the matron, seemingly everywhere at one time, was superintending; and Dr. White, though it was only seven o’clock, was making inquiries here and there regarding his patients.

At 7.45, which I believe, is the regular time for morning worship, all except nurses actually engaged, assembled in the parlor, where we met elders Rickard and Farnsworth. A hymn was sung, and Elder Rickard read the H5th Psalm and led in prayer. When the day is thus begun, and closed by returning thanks to the Lord for his goodness, Sanitarium work, or any other work, is bound to succeed, and enjoy the Lord’s promised blessings.

I was especially impressed with the happy and healthy faces of the nurses and others connected with the work, and I think Dr. White and his wife are fortunate in being surrounded by such able and willing assistants. Furthermore they all have the bearing of gentlewomen and gentlemen.. Their smiling and contented countenances brought to my mind the old familiar saying,— “Greet the day with a smile, and it will leave you with a blessing.”

Immediately after the morning service we were called to breakfast. The dining room is indeed a bright, cheerful, and sunny spot. The numerous dishes offered were composed of health foods dis guised and otherwise, and so wholesomely and tastily prepared that to refuse them was almost impossible.

Breakfast over, Dr. White conducted us through the different rooms, introducing us here and there to a patient. I was astonished at the great disparity of age as well as of cases among them. The youngest was enjoying only his fifteenth day, while the oldest had passed years four score and ten; the latter blessed with a happy disposition and a sunny face, and the former gifted with a loud and lusty voice.

Our tour of inspection over, elders Rickard and Farnsworth, Dr. White, and the writer met in the office for a discussion of several matters of interest concerning the work, such as additional equipments and better facilities. It is the intention of the writer to lay before the readers of the MESSENGER a brief synopsis of the proposed plans which require almost immediate attention. When these plans are carried into effect, we shall be more efficient in fulfilling the Lord’s desire and helping his children spiritually as well as physically by using his direct agencies, of which nature has such abundant resources.


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